@classmethod def _thread(cls): pygame.init() pygame.camera.init() SIZE = (640, 480) camlist = pygame.camera.list_cameras() if not camlist: print('No camera device existed!') cam = pygame.camera.Camera(camlist[0], SIZE) cam.start() capture = True while capture: if not cam.query_image(): continue screen = cam.get_image() srcdata = pygame.image.tostring(screen, 'RGB') img = Image.fromstring('RGB', SIZE, srcdata) stream = io.BytesIO() img.save(stream, 'JPEG') # store frame stream.seek(0) cls.frame = stream.read() # reset stream for next frame stream.seek(0) stream.truncate() # if there hasn't been any clients asking for frames in # the last 10 seconds stop the thread if time() - cls.last_access > 10: break cls.thread = None cam.stop() pygame.quit()
Video Streaming with Flask + pygame.camera
This code is based on Video Streaming with Flask
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